How to make a Text Adventure game in Rust - IV - Objects

Part IV of the Rust Text Adventure Series - Learn how to add objects to the game. In this post, we'll combine Locations, Items, and Actors into a shared Object structure. This abstraction opens new possibilities for game play and story telling allowing for a better user experience. In this project, we're making a fully functional text adventure game from scratch. The post assumes you've read the earlier posts in the series. To get caught up jump to the first post and start at the beginning . This project is heavily based on the work of Ruud Helderman and closely follows the content and structure of his excellent tutorial series on the same topic using the C language. This content and all code is licensed under the MIT License . Photo by Frank Cone 4 - Objects A note to readers. This post contains a pretty big Aha! moment for me. The approach here is what made me want to implement a text adventure following t...
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